In this section, we have made an effort to answer all frequently asked questions regarding height increase surgery. For your convenience, these questions are divided into different sections. You can access the section you are interested in through the table of contents.
What is height increase surgery?
Height increase surgery refers to the process aimed at increasing the length of bones, especially the bones of the legs. This surgery is usually performed using specific methods such as osteotomy and external fixators to gradually lengthen the bone.
What is osteotomy?
Osteotomy is a surgical procedure in which a bone is cut to change its shape or alignment. This technique is typically used in height increase surgeries or to correct bone deformities.
What is fat embolism?
Fat embolism occurs when fat droplets from the bone marrow enter the bloodstream and block small blood vessels in the lungs, brain, or other organs. This blockage can lead to serious health issues.
What is Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)?
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) refers to the formation of a blood clot in one of the deep veins, usually in the legs. This blood clot can travel to other parts of the body and cause more serious complications.
What is Pulmonary Embolism (PE)?
Pulmonary embolism occurs when a blood clot reaches the lungs and blocks blood flow in the lungs. This condition can lead to breathing problems and even life-threatening situations.
What is premature bone formation?
Premature bone formation refers to a condition in which the bone heals or fully forms abnormally before the expected time. This can disrupt the healing process or result in undesirable changes to the bone’s shape.
Conditions for Candidates, Prerequisites, and Limitations
Up to what age can height increase surgery be performed?
This surgery can be performed after the growth plates close (typically around the age of 18) and can be done up to the age of 45.
What is the ideal weight for this surgery?
Individuals should avoid being overweight, as excess weight can negatively affect surgical outcomes.
Can people of any height undergo height increase surgery?
In general, yes, but at the International Height Increase Center of Iran, this surgery is only performed for individuals with a height of 173 cm or below.
Is this surgery performed for smokers?
No, smokers must quit smoking at least two months before the surgery and throughout the recovery period (one year), as smoking interferes with bone formation.
Is this surgery performed for people who consume alcoholic beverages?
No, alcohol consumption must be stopped at least two months before the surgery and during the recovery period, as alcohol also negatively affects bone formation.
Is this surgery performed for vegetarians?
No, this surgery is not recommended for vegetarians, as they typically have weaker bone formation.
Is this surgery recommended for people on specific diets?
No, it is not recommended, as a diverse and complete diet must be followed during the height increase process to ensure optimal bone formation.
Are individuals who sleep late suitable candidates for surgery?
No, individuals must sleep by 10:30 PM, as growth hormone is secreted during the period from 10:30 PM to 2:30 AM.
Is this surgery performed for people with hypothyroidism?
No, individuals with hypothyroidism must first address their hormonal issues, and only then can height increase surgery be performed.
Is this surgery performed for people with growth hormone deficiency?
No, this surgery is not recommended for individuals with growth hormone deficiency, as hormonal issues need to be treated first.
Is this surgery performed for individuals with achondroplasia?
Yes, individuals with achondroplasia are typically good candidates for height increase surgery because they have shorter bones, making height increase possible.
Is this surgery performed for individuals with Turner syndrome?
No, individuals with Turner syndrome are generally not suitable candidates for height increase surgery.
Is this surgery performed for individuals with Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease?
No, height increase surgery is generally not recommended for individuals with Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease.
Is this surgery performed for individuals with rickets (vitamin D deficiency)?
No, but after treating rickets and correcting any vitamin deficiencies, height increase surgery can be performed.
Is this surgery performed for individuals with chronic kidney disease or celiac disease?
No, height increase surgery is generally not recommended for these individuals, as nutritional problems and nutrient absorption can negatively impact bones.
Is this surgery performed for individuals with cerebral palsy?
Under specific conditions, surgery may be possible for individuals with cerebral palsy, but the individual’s condition must be carefully evaluated.
Is this surgery performed for individuals with polio?
Surgery for individuals with polio may be recommended under specific conditions and after careful medical evaluation.
Is this surgery performed for individuals with diabetes?
No, height increase surgery is not recommended for diabetic individuals, as diabetes can interfere with post-surgery recovery.
Can someone with myelomeningocele undergo height increase surgery?
If the nerve involvement is minimal and the individual’s abilities are normal, height increase surgery may be performed. However, these individuals must undergo thorough medical assessments.
Can individuals with open growth plates undergo this surgery?
No, this surgery can only be performed for individuals whose growth plates have completely closed.
Is this surgery performed for individuals over 45 years old?
No, height increase surgery is not performed for individuals over 45 years old.
Do many stairs in homes pose an obstacle to undergoing height increase surgery?
Many stairs may make it more difficult for individuals during the recovery period, but in general, they do not pose an obstacle to performing the surgery.
Methods of Height Increase Surgery
What is the MTN method?
The MTN (Manual Telescopic Nail) method is a height increase surgery performed at the International Height Increase Center of Iran. In this method, an internal telescopic rod is placed inside the bone, and its length is manually adjusted using an external screw.
What is the LON method?
The LON (Lengthening Over Nail) method is a height increase surgery in which an internal rod is placed inside the bone, and the height increase is performed using a large external device (External Fixator).
What is the Precice 2 method?
In this method, an internal telescopic rod is placed inside the bone, and no external device is required. The doctor can adjust the rod remotely using a magnetic field. This method is not currently performed in Iran.
What is the FITBONE method?
In the FITBONE method, an internal rod with an electromechanical motor is placed inside the bone. The doctor uses an external controller to adjust the rod, and the height increase process is performed with high precision. This method is also not performed in Iran.
What is the Ilizarov method?
The Ilizarov method is one of the oldest height increase surgery techniques, and its treatment duration is generally longer than other methods. This method uses a large external device (External Fixator) attached to the leg for height increase.
What is the LATN method?
The LATN method is a height increase surgery suitable for individuals with very short stature. In this method, internal rods are not placed inside the bone due to the bone’s short length, and an external device is used to perform the height increase process.
How the Height Increase Surgery is Performed
How is the height increase surgery performed?
In this process, the doctor first cuts the bones, and then uses specific techniques such as the MTN method to gradually increase the distance between the bones. This spacing allows new bone growth, resulting in increased bone length. The surgery requires careful medical attention and regular follow-ups after the procedure.
Does this surgery require anesthesia?
Yes, this surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia to ensure the patient feels no pain during the procedure.
How long does the MTN surgery take?
The MTN surgery usually takes about 3 hours for the shin. If performed on the thigh, it is typically done in two separate stages, with each stage lasting about 2 hours.
How long does the LON surgery take?
The LON surgery generally takes around 3 hours for the shin.
How many days will I need to stay in the hospital?
Typically, after surgery, you will need to stay in the hospital for 2 to 4 days for the doctor to assess your condition and monitor your recovery.
Recovery Process, Rehabilitation, and Results
When does the height increase phase begin?
The height increase phase usually starts seven days after surgery.
How is height increase achieved with the MTN method?
In the MTN method, by turning a small screw placed on the leg, the distance between the bones is gradually increased, and the height increase process begins. You will be trained on how to use this screw.
How many times a day should the MTN screw be turned?
Typically, the MTN screw should be turned three times a day to increase bone length.
What is the rate of bone length increase?
The rate of bone length increase varies from person to person. On average, the bone length increases by 0.8 millimeters per day. Factors such as the bone location (shin or thigh), proper nutrition, and adequate sleep affect this rate.
How long does the bone lengthening process take?
The bone lengthening period depends on the amount of height increase and the location (shin or thigh). For example, increasing 6 centimeters in the shin usually takes about 3 months.
Can I walk during the height increase process?
Yes, the day after the surgery, you can walk with the help of a walker.
How long does it take for the bones to fully stabilize?
Complete bone stabilization typically takes 6 to 9 months.
How long after the height increase surgery can I stop using the walker?
This depends on the radiology results of each patient. In general, for each centimeter of height increase, approximately 35 days are required. For example, if a person increases their height by 6 centimeters, it will take about 210 days to walk without a walker.
How much weight can the MTN rod bear?
The MTN rod typically supports up to 40 kilograms of weight. However, even if you weigh 40 kilograms, you should still use a walker for walking.
Does recovery speed after height increase surgery differ between men and women?
Yes, bone formation in men is typically about 10% faster. This difference is largely dependent on nutrition and other factors. This difference can be compensated with nutritional counseling.
How long does it take for full recovery after height increase surgery?
The recovery period for each centimeter of height increase is about 50 days. Therefore, if someone has a height increase of 6 centimeters, the full recovery period will take 300 days.
How long after the surgery can women wear high heels?
After completing the full recovery period, the individual can resume normal physical activities and wear high heels.
How long after surgery can I walk normally without assistance?
Usually, after one year, you will be able to walk normally and resume your daily activities.
How long after surgery can I perform heavy exercises like bodybuilding?
For heavy exercises such as hiking and bodybuilding, about one and a half years is required.
How long after surgery can I return to professional sports?
Height increase surgery is not recommended for professional athletes who compete in tournaments.
How long after surgery can I return to work?
This depends on the type of work. If the job does not require physical activity, you can return to work during the height increase process. However, if the job requires physical exertion, you will need to complete the full recovery period.
How long after height increase surgery can I drive?
This should be evaluated by the doctor, but typically, you can drive after about 3 weeks.
How long after height increase surgery can I get pregnant?
Once bone formation reaches normal levels and the doctor gives approval, there are no restrictions on getting pregnant.
How long after pregnancy can I undergo height increase surgery?
After the breastfeeding period and once bone density and calcium levels are assessed, height increase surgery can be performed if all conditions are appropriate.
What can prevent me from reaching my goal of becoming taller?
Failure to attend physiotherapy sessions or not performing home exercises can interfere with the height increase process or even halt it. Muscle contractions can lead to joint stiffness or dislocation.
Do the extended arms and legs function well after treatment?
Yes, after treatment and limb lengthening, both adults and children are usually able to live normal and active lives.
What is the impact of height increase surgery on tendons, nerves, and muscles?
If the height increase is no more than 6 centimeters, the tendons, nerves, and muscles typically return to normal after two years, and the individual will be able to engage in heavy exercises.
When will the internal rod placed inside the bone during surgery be removed?
The internal rod is usually removed 24 months after the surgery. This requires another surgical procedure.
Complications and Side Effects of Height Increase Surgery
Does height increase surgery have any complications?
Yes, like any other surgical procedure, height increase surgery can have complications. Some potential complications include:
Slow or rapid bone healing
Muscle contractions
Osteomyelitis (bone infection)
Nerve and blood vessel damage
Joint stiffness and contractures
Infection at pin sites
Sleep problems and pain
How can the risks and potential side effects be prevented?
The first step in preventing risks and complications is to choose a qualified and experienced doctor in height increase techniques. Patients should also carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations and take the necessary precautions.
What happens if the bone heals too quickly (premature consolidation)?
If the bone heals too quickly and hardens before the treatment is complete, this condition is called “premature consolidation.” If this occurs, the doctor may need to perform additional surgery to continue the height increase process. This is usually an outpatient procedure, so the patient does not need to be hospitalized.
What happens if the bone heals too slowly (delayed or lack of bone formation)?
If the bone rebuilds slowly, the doctor may use an orthopedic device to stimulate bone formation. In this case, the patient should be closely monitored to ensure the bone growth process continues properly.
What happens if soft tissues like tendons resist stretching?
If soft tissues like muscles and tendons resist stretching, it may cause them to tighten. This issue can be treated with physiotherapy and muscle stretching exercises. The patient should regularly perform physiotherapy to prevent joint stiffness.
Is there a risk of fat embolism?
Yes, there is a risk of fat embolism, but the probability is very low (0.01%).
Is there a risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)?
Yes, there is a risk, but it is low (0.1%).
Is there a risk of pulmonary embolism (PE)?
Yes, there is a risk, but it is relatively low (0.2%).
Is there a risk of nerve damage?
Yes, there is a risk of nerve damage, but it is low (2%). If nerve damage occurs, timely diagnosis and treatment can control the situation.
Is there a risk of superficial infection?
Yes, there is a risk of superficial infection, and about 20% of patients may experience this complication. To treat these infections, the doctor will prescribe the necessary medications.
How is the pain at the surgery site?
In the first few days after surgery, pain is usually more intense, and pain-relief medications are used to alleviate the discomfort.
Is there a risk of tendon shortening?
Yes, there is about a 30% chance of tendon shortening. To treat this issue, the physiotherapist will use exercises to increase the joint’s range of motion.
Do patients experience sleep problems?
Some patients may experience sleep problems. In such cases, the doctor will prescribe appropriate medications to improve sleep.
Can height increase surgery lead to body disproportion?
No, the patient’s limb condition is carefully assessed before surgery. If there is a possibility of body disproportion, the surgery will not be performed.
Is there a chance that the length of the legs might differ after surgery and height increase?
No, with regular radiological check-ups every two weeks, the bone growth status is monitored, and corrective measures are taken if necessary to prevent leg length differences.
Final Words on Frequently Asked Questions About Height Increase Surgery
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