Limb Lengthening Surgery with the LON Method

The LON method is one of the modern surgical techniques that combines an external fixator and an internal nail to lengthen bones. This method is typically recommended for individuals who have a higher-than-normal body weight.

2. Stages of Height Increase Surgery with the LON Method

Stage 1: Osteotomy and Installation of Equipment

First, an osteotomy (controlled bone cut) is performed on the shin or thigh.

An internal rod (nail) is placed inside the bone.

Three screws are installed at the top of the bone cut to secure the nail to the bone.

An external fixator device is installed on the limb. This device is responsible for gradually increasing the bone length.

3. Height Increase Process

The height increase in this method is performed using the external fixator.

The patient can increase height by approximately 1 millimeter per day on average.

During the lengthening process, the lower part of the nail is not yet screwed into the bone to allow for bone elongation.

4. Stage 2: Final Stabilization and Removal of External Fixator

After the height increase period is completed, the lower screws of the nail are installed.

These screws serve to finally stabilize the bone and prevent it from shortening again.

Once these screws are installed, the external fixator is no longer needed and is removed from the leg.

To ensure bone strength and improve walking ability, a supportive fiberglass cast is placed on the limb.

5. Devices Used in the LON Method

The type of external fixator used may vary depending on the medical center. The most commonly used devices include:

Holley Fix



Hybrid Ilizarov

Micro Bont (in some Chinese centers)

Important Notes in LON Height Increase Surgery

Personal Hygiene and Post-Surgery Care
One of the critical aspects of LON height increase surgery is maintaining personal hygiene and keeping the surgical area clean. This plays an important role in preventing infections and speeding up recovery.

Insomnia and Sleep Issues After Surgery
Some individuals may experience temporary insomnia or poor sleep after surgery. This issue is usually short-lived and can be managed with appropriate medication.

Pain Management and Use of Pain Pumps
Pain levels after surgery may vary between individuals. However, stretching exercises can significantly reduce pain. On the first day after surgery, a pain pump (a device that continuously and gently administers pain-relieving medication) is used to effectively manage pain.

Follow-Up Visit the Day After Surgery
The day after surgery, Dr. Matlabi Zadeh personally visits the patient and checks their condition. Most patients are able to walk with a walker the day after surgery and are discharged from the hospital after the visit.

Importance of Stretching Exercises and Physiotherapy
During the bone lengthening process, it is essential to focus on lengthening the soft tissues simultaneously. This can only be properly achieved through regular stretching exercises and physiotherapy.

Use of Pins and Fiberglass for Bone Stabilization
Once the height increase period is complete and the desired height is reached, the external fixator device is removed. To ensure better stability and safety of the bones until full recovery, pins and fiberglass are used in the shin area. This combination is removable and will be taken out in the operating room once the bones have healed.

Speeding Up Bone Formation and Returning to Normal Life
By performing specialized exercises, maintaining proper nutrition, and following Dr. Matlabi Zadeh’s recommendations, the bone formation process can be accelerated, allowing for a quicker return to normal life.


The LON method is one of the most effective height increase surgery methods, combining an external fixator and an internal nail to safely and controlledly lengthen bones. This method is particularly suitable for individuals with higher body weight.

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