Limb lengthening

Limb lengthening surgery process

Short stature is a big problem for many people which causes them many difficulties in daily life and some maybe face many challenges and problems, such as psychological or family problems, even in their job or social activities. For therapy of short stature, they find different ways that are not scientific most of the time which causes many bad effects on their health.

Scientifically after the closure of the growth plate which occurs between the age of 15-16 for girls and 17-20 for boys, the only scientific way to increase height is limb lengthening surgery which has a relatively long history in the world.

Fortunately, this surgery has been successfully performed by Dr.Motallebizadeh since 2001 in the limb lengthening center of Iran. So far more than 450 successful limb lengthening surgery have been accomplished in the limb lengthening center of Iran, more than 40 of the limb lengthening surgery have been performed for volunteers of foreign nationality who have come to this center from different countries such as Norway, England, Austria and etc. They have returned to their countries after 3 months of staying in Iran.

In this center, we use the latest and most up-to-date methods available worldwide. In terms of statistics for limb lengthening surgery, Dr.Motallebizadeh has the highest record in the world, which means the absolute experience in this field. That’s why it has become one of the safest and most reliable limb-lengthening centers in the world.

1- Consultation with Dr. Motallebizadeh

Limb lengthening begins with a face-to-face consultation and usually the volunteers have already found some information about the Doctor’s experiences and abilities in social networks.
At the time of counseling, the most common question is, if there is a possibility of harmful effects?! But usually after that they get more acquainted with the results of the previous years in our team and talking to people who have done this surgery years ago, their concerns will be relieved.

2- Consultation with the psychologist’s team

After the final decision for the surgery, the psychological counseling team performs the necessary examination for about 2 hours and they determine for volunteers whether this surgery is really necessary or not. If the necessity for surgery is not confirmed by consultants the surgery will not be performed.

3- Limb lengthening surgery

Then the final measurements will be made based on radiological images of the volunteer’s height and accurate scales equipment for weight. The most necessary equipment will be provided, so there will be no problems or deficiencies during the surgery.
After the surgery and installation of the lengthening Equipment (external or internal) Medical analgesia Disposable elastomeric infusion pump is used which is a machine for pain control purposes, this machine injects painkillers continuously and slowly which effectively decreases the volunteer’s pain.

4- Postoperative care

The next day Dr. Motallebizadeh visits the volunteer personally and checks all the necessary items and allows the volunteer to walk. Usually, most people are able to walk with a walker from the day after the surgery.
One week after the surgery the first visit will be made in the doctor’s clinic and how the lengthening instrument system works will be taught to the volunteer. Lengthening will be made by screwing a special screw in each method and four times a day, which means one millimeter per day.
In the Bone lengthening period you should pay attention that synchronic growth of soft tissue and bone is the volunteer task. It occurs with regular and adequate stretching exercises and physiotherapy. It’s also important to maintain good personal hygiene and keep the pins and screws clean.

Based on the experiences of previous years, we achieved 7 cm lengthening in each bone. After the course ends, the speed of recovery increases and the volunteer feels more powerful and energetic day after day. Exercise and physiotherapy are really important and those volunteers who have more than 60kg weight should use a cane.
For a 7 cm height increase, recovery usually takes 5 to 6 months after the end of the lengthening period but sometimes that could be 10 months long for people over 35 years old, and then they will return to normal daily life.